Our monthly meeting for June will be a film night in our Club rooms. For the evening, member Don Scutt has kindly undertaken to show the classic 1973 comedy-drama “Love Pain and the Whole Damn Thing”. This delightful film is set in the Spanish countryside and stars Timothy Bottoms and a young Maggie Smith. Don comments that it has two particular attractions. The first is you will get to see a young Maggie Smith in one of her most outstanding roles and it is fascinating to see even then she had a feisty edge to her acting. The second attraction is a Citroën sequence that you have never seen before and almost certainly will never see again. Don also comments that being a 50-year-old film it has the advantage of neither a computer graphic nor a shot taken from an aerial drone to be seen.
To make it a proper film night pizza and popcorn will be served and for the purpose of knowing numbers for this “catering” this is an RSVP event.
RSVP is to Dave Rogers by text to 0422 229 484, or email to drogers11@gmail.com by not later than Tuesday 18th June.