NOTE: The contacts below have offered to assist with technical advice only. There is no expectation that repair work will be carried out.
WARNING: Anyone new to hydraulic systems in Citroens are strongly advised to understand the safety protocols before working on the car. This applies especially to ensuring the system is fully depressurised and the car safely supported on stands. CCCV takes no responsibility if an injury occurs.
Traction Avant Ted Cross 9819 2208
2CV Contact CCCV
AX/Berlingo Kirk Kirkcaldy 9363 2464
GS/GSA Andrew Smith 9755 2439
ID/DS Contact CCCV
BX John Wyers 9787 6280
CX Graeme McDonald 9781 1649
SM Lee Sholte on 0407 150 038
Xantia/Xsara John Wyers 9787 6280
XM Salman Chaudhry 0410 040 505
C2/C3 Don Scutt 9807 8999
C5 Graeme McDonald 9787 6280 or Leigh Snell 9772 1810
C6 John Fedorko 0438 597 384
Late Models and Service Salman Chaudhry 0410 040 505