Club Library

The Club has an extensive library, and most items may be borrowed by members. The library also includes a number of volumes that are NOT FOR LOAN but may be inspected on Club nights.  If a member needs to borrow extensively for research please discuss this with the Club librarian on a Club night, or by using the contact form below.

To view and download the catalogue of books and other items held in the Club library click on the link following:

Library List_21-08-2024.

Note that the list is searchable.  However, only a very limited number of PDF readers include a search function, of which the most widely available and used is Adobe Acrobat Reader (if you don’t have this reader, you can download it for free by clicking on this link Download Adobe Acrobat Reader: Free PDF viewer).  The instructions that follow for doing a search are based on Adobe Acrobat being used as the reader.  When you open the list if you look towards the right-hand end of the tool bar at the top of the page you will see a magnifying glass symbol.  Click on this symbol and in the dialogue box that opens type in a key search word, or words.  For example, if you want to see every item in the library that relates to 2CV’s type in ‘2CV’ and all 2CV related items will be highlighted.  If you want to look for a more specific item, say a 2CV workshop manual, then try typing in ‘2CV workshop’ and if the library contains this item it will be highlighted.  If nothing shows then try a different combination of key words, for example ‘2CV manual’.

Borrowing library items

The library is held in the Club rooms at 8/41 Norcal Road, Nunawading, and is therefore only accessible on Club meeting nights.  So, to borrow a library item(s) it is necessary to attend a Club monthly meeting night held at these rooms.  Loans are strictly for a period of two months, that is they are due for return at the monthly meeting at the Club rooms following the meeting at which they were taken out (remembering that Club meeting alternate, month on month, between in the Club rooms and pubs/other external venues).

As members will need to attend a meeting night in the Club rooms to borrow library items it is recommended that they advise the librarian of the items they want before attending the meeting so that they can be reserved.  For this purpose, a contact form follows, please fill it out with the library number and title of the item(s) required.  Please be aware though, if an item required is showing on the library list as “Out” (borrowed) it cannot be guaranteed that it will be available at the next Club rooms monthly meeting, as members actually returning a borrowed item when due is beyond the control of the librarian.

Your Name (required)

Your Email (required)

Library Loan Request

Your Message
I wish to borrow the following library item(s):

CX Workshop Manual
CX Workshop Manual