Further membership details
Metropolitan & Country Boundaries
* Metropolitan addresses are those inside the Melbourne Metropolitan and Outer Suburban Taxi Areas
** Country addresses are those outside the Melbourne Metropolitan and Outer Suburban Taxi Areas
Refund Policy
If there’s a mistake in calculating your fees we will happily refund the difference.
Any other fee adjustments are at the discretion of the Committee.
Classic & Historic (CH) & Club Permit Scheme (CPS) Cars
Every member or associate member, can nominate as many CPS or CH vehicles as they like with the Club. And they don’t even have to be Citroëns! Nomination of such vehicles is managed by the Club’s CPS Secretaries. You must keep the Club updated of the vehicles affiliated with the Club.
You can check details of your CPS or CH vehicles when you Login using your own personal login/password combination.
If there is any adjustment required, please contact one of the Club’s CPS Secretaries – whose details are listed on the inside front cover of the Club’s magazine or use this link: Club Permit Scheme
Your Citroëns
You are encouraged to provide details of your Citroëns (or any of your other cars) by updating their details when you Login using your own personal login/password combination.
In the menu bar follow Home Page > Tasks > Manage Cars. It’s pretty straightforward from there on – the first selection is whether your vehicle is a CPS car or not. Whilst you may be able to establish a CPS car record initially – you will not be able to modify it – as this is a job for the Club’s CPS Secretaries. Maintenance of CPS cars (and this includes CH cars) is mandated by VicRoads legislation as a Club responsibility.
And for those of you with modern Citroëns (or cars that are not currently under CPS) – please use the Manage Cars feature to provide details of your cars to the Club. This will allow us to better tailor some of our activities. And don’t worry, your Committee won’t give your information to anyone without with your permission.
Updating Personal Details
When you need to update your personal details, e.g. email, phone, address, car ownership etc., you will need to login to the Club’s membership database, ClubHub (see details following below). You can go the the ClubHub database login page by clicking here, or by going to the Club’s website page and under the sub-heading Update Members Profile of the category heading Members.
CCCV Membership Database
The Club uses an internet-based membership system managed by “ClubHub” whose speciality is providing similar services to clubs throughout the Oceania region. The system is used to enrol new members, renew memberships and maintain data. The privacy of your information is most important to both the CCCV and ClubHub. Data is held solely for Club purposes. Your data is protected by encryption and security systems and is held in accordance with the CCCV Privacy Policy (refer link at bottom of page).
Whether you’re joining us for the first time or updating your data, you’ll be linked to the ClubHub system which is integrated into our website. The system is fully automated and confirmation emails and invoices are sent out immediately the process is completed. The Club has consented to receiving your Application or Renewal electronically via the internet. We prefer you join or renew membership online but if you would like a membership form sent to you please request it on the Contact Us page.