Our Club meeting for September will be a pub night as follows:
- When: Thursday 19th September 2024, 6.45 pm for a 7.15 pm sit down for dinner;
- Where: The Old England Hotel, 459 Lower Heidelberg Road, Heidelberg, 3084.
If you would like to see information about the venue, you can go to its website by clicking here.
We used this venue for our a “pub night” meeting in November last year and it was extremely well regarded by all of the 30 plus members and partners who attended. This will be a very enjoyable evening of dining and socialising, so we hope to see a large number of members and their partners attending. And, in particular, if you are located in, and beyond, the north and west of the city this venue’s location means an easy drive for you.
Also, as an added incentive to attend (if one is needed) there will be a bar tab for beer, wine and soft drinks compliments of your Club.
An RSVP is required to attend this event as we do have to advise the venue an approximate number of diners so that they can be set up to receive us. So, if you are intending to come along could you please advise this, with the number attending, to the organiser for the evening, Nick Hutton, either by email to nhutton@tpg.com.au, or by text to 0412 051 358, by not later than the evening of Tuesday, the 17th September.