An outline of this 2½ day, 2 night, tour can be seen in the flyer below and a detailed itinerary can be viewed by clicking here. Highlights of the tour are:
- a visit to the Steiglitz Historical Park in the Brisbane Ranges National Park – information about this historic site can be viewed by clicking here;
- a private tour of the Lara Historical Museum – information about this Museum can be viewed by clicking here;
- a group dinner on the Tuesday night at the Valley Inn Hotel – information on this hotel can be viewed by clicking here;
- a guided tour of the Fyansford Paper Mill, which as well as being an historic (heritage listed) site is a precinct for artists and artisans to work and sell their creations – information about the historic Mill precinct can be viewed by clicking here;
- free time to “do your own thing” in and around Geelong on the Wednesday afternoon;
- a catered communal dinner at the recommended accommodation site on the Wednesday evening – see the detailed itinerary through the link above for information on this dinner;
- a group farewell breakfast on the Thursday morning.
Important Information.
Participation in any and all events is optional – subject to the registration and pre-payment requirements, members may join and leave the tour at any place and at any time and can participate, or not, in any of the planned events.
It is participants own responsibility to book and pay for their accommodation, whether at the recommended holiday park or elsewhere. Note also that NO accommodation at the preferred venue is being reserved for us so if you want to stay here get your booking in as soon as possible.
Registration to participate in the tour is mandatory, whether participating in all events or only some. Pre-payment for participation in any of the Lara Historical Museum and the Fyansford Paper Mill tours and the communal dinner on the Wednesday night is also mandatory.