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Steam, Art and Bad Habits Weekend

May 3 - May 4

For those of you who are not going to Cit-In 2025, here is a great weekend away event for you as an alternative.

Please particularly note that participation is limited to 20 vehicles, so as it is first in best dressed don’t procrastinate on registering to attend.  Mandatory registration will close on Monday the 15th of April, or when the 20 vehicle spots are filled, whichever occurs first.  To register to attend click here.

Note also the comment in the event flyer following, that accommodation at the preferred venue will likely fill fast for this weekend.

If you want to know more about the Lake Goldsmith Steam Rally, you can go to this event’s website by clicking here.



May 3
May 4
Event Category:


Peter Lynch


Lake Goldsmith, Ballarat and Daylesford
Victoria Australia + Google Map